Monday, February 22, 2016

Security and Privacy in the Information Era

Unprecedented opportunities offered by big data in advance science, health care, economic growth, education, social interaction and entertainment are being used by business across all these verticals. However, the underlying risk of data privacy security remains a major bottleneck in big data era. We have witnessed increasing number of data breaches in the recent history. The security loop holes in most the data breaches are evident that we have very little control on the access of this data especially when it comes to third party sharing. Aggregation and mining of public data is becoming a common practice among scientists, businesses, clinicians and even government agencies.
 Big data analytics has provided a set of useful open source tools for data mining and modeling but there is still lack of effective frameworks and approaches for ensuring security and privacy in this highly distributed environment. One of the foundation pillars of big data era is ability to share and mine the data but there is very little focus on implementing strict security and privacy principals when it comes to third party data sharing with ever expanding vulnerabilities through these data sets. In this article, we will discuss some of the key issues related to security and privacy in this Big Data Era and would also discuss the SMW (Secure Medical Workspace) for controlled data access.

  • ·         Increasing data with increasing security vulnerabilities.
  • ·         Incapable existing solutions to protect data.
  • ·         Need of new Approaches to protect data

Increasing data with increasing security vulnerabilities:
We have witnessed a huge increase in big data accessibility in recent years. Some of this aggregated data is available for public use by government agencies. Increasing computing capabilities provided by modern computing solutions are making it possible to extract and mine massive data sets. For instance, surveillance programs by national security Administration (NSA) are collecting massive amounts of data through data intensive programs. With Utah data center opening, these efforts are anticipated to grow at significant rate. The center’s computation goal is to achieve computing capability to the level of exaflop by 2018. This growth is not limited a government agencies but private businesses, hospitals and researchers are also at the forefront of data collection and mining by utilizing the power of computing. The major security concern with this practice lies in data sharing with third parties. There is very little or no control of the data once it has gone out of the premises of original data collection agencies.
Large scale data collection and sharing is common place with inadequate frameworks to ensure security and privacy of this confidential data. Lack of adequate training and understanding of data security and privacy has led to this situation. Security and privacy concerns are thereby increasing at the same rate of data growth. Incidents of data hacking have become more dangerous due to availability of these massive data sets. Therefore, data leakage has become more alarming than ever before. For instance, data hacking of Utah’s department of health databases in March 2012 led to loss of personal data from 780,000 patients with over 280,000 records of social security numbers.
With more and more businesses engaging in third party use of sharing personal information, security and privacy issues are anticipated to grow.

Incapable existing solutions to protect data:
We have seen tremendous increasing big data analytics tools, both open source and proprietary. However, we have not seen enough frameworks and tools to ensure security and privacy in this changing era, which is centered on data sharing. Existing and traditional solutions to data leakage are highly incapable to deal with the situation. We still see lot of oral or written pledges to protect against data breaches even the NSA relies on oral pledges, which are not effective if the motivation to leak data is stronger than the motivation to protect it. Passwords and authorize access remains at the top when it comes to data security and privacy. Effective password policies couple with strong password guidelines and expiration policy, has remained one of the most useful tool to protect against data breaches.  Even though, passwords can provide a good layer of security against unauthorized access but password are prone to hacking even with strongest password reset procedures in place. We have witnessed the underlying vulnerabilities in password in recent years. Multifactor authentication provides a better approach over the simple password authentication where user requires a password as well as some sort of physical identification method such as finger print etc.
However, all these traditional approaches fail to consider the fact that what happens in an intensive data sharing environment once the data has been delivered to third party. The question is who own the responsibility to protect the data in this highly distributed era of big data? There needs to be new security policies and frameworks in place.

Need of new Approaches to protect data:

As discussed above, traditional approaches and frameworks cannot guarantee a solidified approach to data privacy and security. Data leakage associated with confidential and sensitive information requires that data security and privacy is maintained at all the levels in big data hierarchy. Given the fact that data needs to be shared among entities, it becomes increasingly important to restrict the data access through a virtualized environment. Data Leakage prevention technology provides one such solution. Through DLP, data packets are inspected by location and file classification. However, it becomes too stringent for bother end users and IT staff. Also, it does not protect against accidental or intentional data leakage.
SMW( Secure Medical Workspace), developed by RENCI and university of North Carolina provides an effective solution to data leakage. Originally designed for protecting patient data,this framework can be generalized to other business problems.

SMW allows approved requesters with access to required data on a secure virtual workspace coupled with ability to prevent data sharing. SMW technological features include;
·         Two Factor Authentication for gaining access to SMW
·         Virtualization technology to provide access to required data.
·         Preconfigured virtual machine images to implement security policies.
·         Encryption techniques for data in motion and data at rest.
·         IT management capabilities


With the increasing applications are data analytics, the privacy and security concerns around data are only going to increase in the future. It is true that security frameworks and tools need to be revisited periodically to ensure up to date security policies. However, in this data centric era, it is not only important to update the security frameworks but also devise new methods to ensure security and privacy. Recent data breaches are evident that we need to improve on security and privacy frameworks. We can no longer wait for the breach to happen in order to identify the possible problem with the framework. Industry needs more research in the area of security and privacy to ensure that we don’t lose our fundamental right of privacy in this modern era. Traditional approaches limited to verbal or written agreements and two factor authentications does not provide solid framework to handle security issue related to third parties. The existing policies at workplace need to be customized or re devised, if required to deal with the situation. We have 100 times more information present in these huge data sets, which were not easily available to accessible a decade ago. These huge datasets contains both confidential and sensitive information for significant large number people/entities. One single breach to these huge datasets leads to lose of data sensitive data for all these people/entities. It is true that we have seen very useful applications around data in big data world, which are continuously improving the way we live our life and how business make better decisions but we cannot ignore the fact of possible loss due to unauthorized access to this data. Moreover, any practices which involve in uninformed data collection and sharing need to be tackled in the most appropriate way so that we don’t lose our fundamental right of privacy. All the big market players employ data mining practices to derive insights from the collected data. Target marketing, one of the major areas of data analytics, is one such example of how user activity is being tracked and used by e businesses without any notable user agreement and consensus. We not only need to ensure the data security and unauthorized data access from data hackers but we also need some effective procedures to ensure the collection and mining of data in the ethical manner without sacrificing the privacy of concerned entities.

We have seen continuous evolvement of security technologies as additional vulnerabilities are realized by the anticipated or past data breaches. However, with huge amount of data provided by these massive data sets, we have more at stake and we need to be proactive to ensure the level of security in Big Data era.


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