Sunday, August 16, 2015

7 tiers of Disaster Recovery-Oracle


Following are seven tiers of disaster recovery :

  • Tier 0- No systems or data backup. In this arrangement no consideration has been given to disaster recovery.

  • Tier 1- Backup are taken and are physically transported to an offsite location. There will always be a delay in retrieving backups.

  • Tier 2: Backup are taken and are physically transported to an offsite location but this offsite location can be used to recover the data in an event of disaster. It is called hotsite.

  • Tier 3:builds upon Tier 2 , backups are taken electronically and sent to a hot site through a secure connection.

  • Tier 4: In this tier, point in time or snapshot copies are taken and sent to hot site electronically. These snapshots are generally taken periodically at interval of some hours and multiple backups exist for the day.

  • Tier 5: Critical data is synchronized with the hot site, constantly , and there will be no loss of data in the event of disaster.

  • Tier 6: In this arrangement, data is mirrored to hot site in real time so that, in an event of disaster hot site can become the active site with a restore.

  • Tier 7: This builds upon tier 6 ,the only difference being that  that restores are automatic and hot site is duplicate of business site all the time.

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