Sunday, August 16, 2015

Creating Hierarchy of Ruby Classes



The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how object oriented programming works with Ruby. In this document we would use inheritance, one of the most important concepts of object oriented paradigm.


You must have a Ruby interpreter installed on the machine.


Step1- Setup Foundations:

We will first try to understand the class hierarchy that we need to create through Ruby programming. In this example we will use mamalia, Bruta, Asian Elephant and West Indian Manatee mammals of the hierarchy and would explain how inheritance can be used in using Ruby. In the later chapter you would find one more example of class hierarchy Mammalia->Pecora->Dromedary->Sheep Let’s first identify some of the characteristics that every mammal has


  • Heart : 2 auricles, 2 ventricles. Warm, dark red blood

  • Lungs : respires alternately

  • Sense Organs : tongue, nostrils, eyes, ears, & papillae of the skin

  • Supports : 4 feet, except in aquatics; and in most a tail. Walks on the Earth & Speak

  • Conservation status: Generally has a conservation status.

Note : Even though every mammal has other common characteristics. We would use only subset of these characteristics for our example.

Bruta :

Bruta is another classification of Mammals which has characteristics such as:

  • Food :  (mostly) masticated vegetables

  • Motion : slow

Note : Even though Bruta type mammal has other common characteristics. We would use only subset of these characteristics for our example.

Asian Elephant :

Asian elephant falls under the category of Bruta and has following different characteristics:

  • Trunk : Asian Elephants have trunk :The distinctive trunk is an elongation of the nose and upper lip combined

  • Intelligence:      Asian Elephants are highly intelligent and self-aware

  • Size : Largest Asian Elephant recorded weighed 8 tonnes , stood 3.35 m (11 ft) tall at the shoulders and was 8.06 m long from head to tail.

  • Color : Skin color is usually gray, and may be masked by soil because of dusting and wallowing.

  • Conservation Status : Endangered

West Indian Manatee :West Indian Manatee falls under the category of Bruta mammals and has following different characteristics

  • Size : The largest individual on record weighed 1,655 kg (3,649 lb) and measured 4.6 m (15 ft) long.

  • Color : Color is grey and brown

  • Aquatic: West indian Manatee is aquatic.

  • Conservation status : Vulnerable

Below is the pictorial Representation of the class hierarchy explained in the above section

Step 2-Creating classes in Ruby

Now let’s create the class hierarchy in Ruby .

Create Mamallia class

This is base class for our program and contains following methods:

  • Initialize (class_hierarchical_pos="root class:Mammalia",status=""): Default constructor for the class

  • get_class_hierarchy_pos : This method returns the class hierarchy position

  • heart: This function returns the characteristic of heart.

  • Lungs : This function returns characteristics of lungs.

  • Senseorgan : This method returns characteristics of sense organs.

  • get_conservation_status (status="") : This function returns the conservation status of mammal depending on the passed parameter.

  • Supports : This function returns supports characterstics.

For the class syntax kindly check the source code at the end of this article.

Create Bruta class :This is Bruta Class ,which is Subclass of Mammalia(Mammalia->BRUTA) and contains following methods:

  • Initialize (class_hierarchical_pos="Bruta ,which is Subclass of Mammalia(Mammalia->BRUTA)"): Default constructor for the class

  • Food: This method returns the Food habits.

  • Motion: This function returns Motion Characteristics

  • Isaquatic: returns whether mammal is aquatic or not depending on parameter passed

Apart from the mentioned characterstics, bruta acquires following characteristics from the Mammalia class, implicitly, as it is inherited from Mamallia class.

  • get_class_hierarchy_pos : This method returns the class hierarchy position

  • heart: This function returns the characteristic of heart.

  • Lungs : This function returns characteristics of lungs.

  • Senseorgan : This method returns characteristics of sense organs.

  • get_conservation_status (status="") : This function returns the conservation status of mammal depending on the passed parameter.

  • Supports : This function returns supports characteristics.

    For the class syntax kindly double click on the attached file:

Create Asian Elephant class :

This is Asian Elephant class , which is Subclass of Bruta(ROOT->BRUTA->Asian_Elephant) and contains following methods:

  • GetStatus: Returns the conservation status for Asian Elephant

  • Trunk : Returns Trunk characteristics of Asian elephant

  • Size : Returns largest recorded size of elephant

  • Color : Returns color of Asian elephant

  • Isaquatic : returns whether mammal is aquatic or not .

Apart from the mentioned characteristics, Asian Elephant following characteristics from the Bruta class, implicitly, as it is inherited from Bruta class.

  • Food: This method returns the Food habits.

  • Motion: This function returns Motion Characteristics

  • Isaquatic: returns whether mammal is aquatic or not depending on parameter passed

    It also acquires following characteristics from Mammalia class, as it is inherited from Bruta class.

  • get_class_hierarchy_pos : This method returns the class hierarchy position

  • heart: This function returns the characteristic of heart.

  • Lungs : This function returns characteristics of lungs.

  • Senseorgan : This method returns characteristics of sense organs.

  • get_conservation_status (status="") : This function returns the conservation status of mammal depending on the passed parameter.

  • Supports : This function returns supports characteristics.

    For the class syntax kindly double click on the attached file:

Create West_Indian_Manatee class :

This is West_Indian_Manatee Class , which is Subclass of Bruta(ROOT->BRUTA-> West_Indian_Manatee) and contains following methods:

  • GetStatus: Returns the conservation status for Asian Elephant

  • Size : Returns largest recorded size of elephant

  • Color : Returns color of Asian elephant

  • Isaquatic : returns whether mammal is aquatic or not .

Apart from the mentioned characteristics, West_Indian_Manatee aquires following characteristics from the Bruta class, implicitly , as it is inherited from Bruta class.

  • Food: This method returns the Food habits.

  • Motion: This function returns Motion Characteristics

  • Isaquatic: returns whether mammal is aquatic or not depending on parameter passed

It also acquires following characteristics from Mammalia class

  • get_class_hierarchy_pos : This method returns the class hierarchy position

  • heart: This function returns the characteristic of heart.

  • Lungs : This function returns characteristics of lungs.

  • Senseorgan : This method returns characteristics of sense organs.

  • get_conservation_status (status="") : This function returns the conservation status of mammal depending on the passed parameter.

  • Supports : This function returns supports characteristics.

  • For the class syntax kindly double click on the attached file:

Step 3-Write the Main program:

Now we will write the main program that would depict our class hierarchy and characteristics of our different objects.

# Create an object of Root class i.e Mammalia class and perform the actions


 puts "   Characteristics of Mammalia:"






# Create an object of Bruta Class and perform the actions


 puts "   Common characteristics of Bruta acquired from Mammalia"

 #call to mammal class methods




 puts "   Specific characteristics of Bruta"




# Create an object of Asian_Elephant Class and perform the actions


  puts "  Common characteristics of Asian_Elephant acquired from Mammalia"

  # call to mammal class methods




 puts "   Common characteristics of Asian_Elephant acquired from Bruta"

 # call to mammal Bruta methods


puts "    Specific characteristics of Asian_Elephant"








# Create an object of West_Indian_Manatee Class and perform the actions


  puts "  Common characteristics of West_Indian_Manatee acquired from Mammalia"

  # call to mammal class methods




 puts "   Common characteristics of West_Indian_Manatee acquired from Bruta"

 # call to mammal Bruta methods


puts "    Specific characteristics of West_Indian_Manatee"






Save the main program along with the code for classes in to a text file and save it .rb extension.

Step 3-Run the program:

Now, got the path where the .rb file is saved from the last step and run following command ruby <<filename.rb>> as shown in the screen shot and hit enter

You would see following output of the program

Note: increase the font size to read the output

Step 4-Understand the output:

We will examine each part of the output and would map it with our main program to understand it more clearly.

First Part of the output is created from the code present under “ Create an object of Root class i.e Mammalia class and perform the actions” heading in the above section

Second part of the output is created from the code present under “Create an object of Bruta Class and perform the actions” heading in the above section

Third part of the output is created from the code present under “Create an object of Asian_Elephant Class and perform the actions ” heading in the above section

Fourth part of the output is created from the code present under “Create an object of West_Indian_Manatee Class and perform the actions  ” heading in the above section

Source Code

#This is base class for our program
class Mammalia
 # initializing constructor for the class
    def initialize(class_hierarchical_pos="root class:Mammalia",status="")
        @class_hierarchical_pos = class_hierarchical_pos
    def get_class_hierarchy_pos
        puts "This class is #{@class_hierarchical_pos}"
 def heart
  puts "  ->Heart with 2 auricles and 2 ventricles;contains Warm, dark red blood."
 def lungs
  puts "  ->Lungs Respires alternately"
 def senseorgan
  puts "  ->Has organ of sense such as nostrils,eyes etc"
 # This method Returns the Conservation status for the mammal
 def get_conservation_status(status="")
  if status==""
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Unknown, until we go to specific mammal under the hierarchy"
  elsif status=="EX"
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Extinct"
  elsif status=="EW"
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Extinct"
  elsif status=="CR"
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Extinct"
  elsif status=="EN"
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Endangered"
  elsif status=="VU"
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Extinct"
  elsif status=="NT"
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Extinct"
  elsif status=="LC"
   puts "  ->Conservation status is: Least concerned"
   puts "  ->Invalid Conservation status passed."
 def Supports
  puts "  ->Supports 4 feet except in aquatic"

class Bruta<Mammalia
# initializing constructor for the class
 def initialize(class_hierarchical_pos="Bruta ,which is Subclass of Mammalia(Mammalia->BRUTA)")
        @class_hierarchical_pos = class_hierarchical_pos
 # Specific characteristics of Class
 def food
  puts "  ->Food is mostly vegetables or plant species"
 def Motion
  puts "  ->Motion of this category animals' is generally: Slow"
 # This method prints whether mammal is aquatic or not based on the param passed.
 def isaquatic(param)
  if param=="YES"
   puts "  ->This is aquatic mammal"
  elsif param=="NO"
   puts "  ->This is not aquatic mammal"
class Asian_Elephant<  Bruta
# initializing constructor for the class
 def initialize(class_hierarchical_pos="Asian_Elephant,which is Subclass of Bruta(ROOT->BRUTA->Asian_Elephant)")
 # Specific characteristics of Class
 def get_status()
 def Trunk
  puts "  ->Asian Elephants have trunk :The distinctive trunk is an elongation of the nose and upper lip combined"
 def intelligence
  puts "  ->Asian Elephants are highly intelligent and self-aware"
 def size
  puts "  ->Largest Asian Elephant recorded weighed 8 tonnes , stood 3.35 m (11 ft) tall at the shoulders and was 8.06 m long from head to tail."
 def color
  puts "  ->Skin color is usually gray, and may be masked by soil because of dusting and wallowing."
 def isaquatic
 # call the super method in bruta class

class West_Indian_Manatee< Bruta
# initializing constructor for the class
 def initialize(class_hierarchical_pos="is West_Indian_Manatee,which is Subclass of Root(ROOT->BRUTA->West_Indian_Manatee)")
 # Specific characteristics of Class
 def get_status
 def isaquatic
 def size
  puts "  ->The largest individual on record weighed 1,655 kg (3,649 lb) and measured 4.6 m (15 ft) long."
 def color
  puts "  ->Color is grey and brown"
 def isaquatic
 # call the super method in bruta class

# Create an object of Root class i.e Mammalia class and perform the actions
 puts " Characteristics of Mammalia:"
# Create an object of Bruta Class and perform the actions
 puts " Common characteristics of Bruta acquired from Mammalia"
 #call to mammal class methods
 puts " Specific characteristics of Bruta"
# Create an object of Asian_Elephant Class and perform the actions
  puts " Common characteristics of Asian_Elephant acquired from Mammalia"
  # call to mammal class methods
 puts " Common characteristics of Asian_Elephant acquired from Bruta"
 # call to mammal Bruta methods
puts " Specific characteristics of Asian_Elephant"
# Create an object of West_Indian_Manatee Class and perform the actions
  puts " Common characteristics of West_Indian_Manatee acquired from Mammalia"
  # call to mammal class methods
 puts " Common characteristics of West_Indian_Manatee acquired from Bruta"
 # call to mammal Bruta methods
puts " Specific characteristics of West_Indian_Manatee"

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